Although this website is a dot com, it's not a commercial site. This
site serves as my research notebook into the study of the history of
Buffalo, New York and the study of German Language and Literature. Buffalo
had a large German population in its earlier days, so the two fields of
study come together quite nicely.
Aspects of Love for Valentine's Day: Venus and Mars, Hyacinths, and for the long-married Your Absent but Devoted Husband.
An Index to the People of Archivaria:
Full Text
Buffalo and It's German
Community - Translation of the history of Buffalo from a German
perspective. The work is divided into 4 sections:
- Parts I and II:
The History of Buffalo on pages 1 - 79
- Part IIIA: A
series of biographies of German citizens in Buffalo on pages 80 - 336
- Part IIIB: A
series of profiles of prominent businesses and businessmen on pages 1 -
- Part
IV: Niagara Falls and its German Community on pages 1 - 24
History of the
Germans in Buffalo and Erie County This is an oversized book. The
first few pages will seem ridiculously large. I maintained the size so
that the print on the pages is readable. It's a case of sacrificing
aesthetics to practicality.
- Part
1 - this section is on pages 5 through 338 of the text and is in
English and German. The English text has been transcribed with notes
added where the German text differs from the English.
- An
Index to the Pictures and Illustrations of Part 1
- Part 2 -
Translation of the biographical sketches on pages 1 - 120.
The Life and Experiences of a Layman - written by Charles Boller, Sunday School Superintendent of the First Church of the Evangelical Community at the corner of Spruce and Sycamore.
The Book of Germans in America - Selections from the 948-page Das Buch der Deutschen in America published in 1909 by the National German-American Alliance ("The Bund").
__________The Lutherans
These texts are listed in chronological order, according to publication date, rather than alphabetically.
The Destinies and Adventures of the Stephanists who emigrated from Saxony to America - an 1839 chronicle of the immigration voyage of the Saxons, who settled in St. Louis under the leadership of Martin Stephan. This history gives details on the ouster of Bishop Stephan and the early beginnings of the group who later formed the Missouri Synod.
Pastoral Letter and Correspondence between J. A. A. Grabau and the Missouri Synod - Letters describing the doctrinal differences between the Buffalo and Missouri Synod written between 1841 and 1845.
The Third Synodal Letter of the Buffalo Synod - issued in 1853 and containing information on the excommunication of Pastor L. F. E. Krause, the schism in the Michigan Congregations of Pastor Winkler and Pastor Grabau's explanation of the difference between the visible and the invisible church.
The Fourth Synodal Letter of the Buffalo Synod - published in 1853. Included are reasons for sending a pastoral delegation to Europe, the establishment of the Martin Luther College, further disputes with Missouri, other Lutheran synods and the Lutheran press in America and Europe.
Tell It to the
Church! - an appeal to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of North
America written by J. A. A. Grabau and Heinrich von Rohr, outlining the
Buffalo Synod's dispute with the Missouri Synod. Included on pages 7 and 9
are mentions of the takeover of the church in Eden, NY.
of the First German Lutheran Settlement in Altenburg, Perry County, Missouri written by Pastor Georg Schieferdecker and publish in 1865. This text describes the events leading to a schism in 1857 caused by disputes over chiliasm and charges of heresy against the congregation's pastor.
on the General Meeting held by the Synod of Buffalo by Johann An. A.
Grabau - Pastor Grabau's chronicle of the 1865 - 1866 dispute in the
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Buffalo.
What Grabau
teaches and professes! or an Explanation of the previous Disputes in
Pastor Grabau's Trinity Church of Buffalo - This text, written by a
member of the Trinity Congregation which separated itself from Pastor
Grabau in May of 1866, provides an insider's look at the dispute which
divided the German Lutheran Immigrant Community of Buffalo from 1839 to
Kirchliches Informatorium - the ecclesiastic journal of the Buffalo Synod written by Heinrich von Rohr and published in volumes 15 - 21 These articles are taken from Volumes 15, and 17 - 19, (1867 through 1872) after the three-way split of the Buffalo Synod.
- Volume 15 - Pastor Heinrich von Rohr's recollections of his religious reasons for deciding to emigrate, his negotiations with the Lutheran Saxons under Martin Stephan in 1838 and the emigration compact of 1839.
- Volume 16 - Meeting with the Silesian congregation in Hamburg.
- Volume 17 - A tribute to former New York Governor, Washington Hunt, and the strange tale of Pastor Ehrenström.
- Volume 18 - Examples of the emnity between Pastors Grabau and von Rohr in 1870.
Life of the Reverend J. An. A. Grabau - Imprisoned for his religious
beliefs, Pastor Grabau emigrated from Prussia with his congregation in
1839. This biography describes a prison escape, a perilous journey across
the Atlantic, and 3 distinct schisms in the Evangelical Lutheran
population of Buffalo.
The 50
Year Jubilee of the First Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church - A 57
page booklet issued on September 8, 1889 to celebrate the 50th Birthday of
the First Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The 1835 - 1854 Old Lutheran Emigration Roster: taken from Volume II of Wilhelm Iwan's The Old Lutheran Emigration at the Middle of the 19th Century.
A Brief History of the Old Lutheran Immigrants and the Buffalo Synod: 1838 - 1867 - The translator's attempt to sew together the various texts on Lutherans into one narrative.
Buffalo Newspapers and Journals
Newspapers and Journals provide insight into the lives and concerns of
the region's inhabitants. A brief history of Buffalo's German Press in the 19th Century, from the 948-page German-American history, Das Buch der Deutschen in America can be found on pages 522 - 527.
Pan Am
Journal: Music and the German-American Experience - This page was
originally developed for a Social Sciences Reference Project at the
University at Buffalo.
Welcome! Welcome! - History of the German singing societies.
The Power of
Song - Translation of the June 25, 1901 coverage of the Opening
Ceremonies for the 30th Song Festival of the North American Saengerbund.
The Democracy - an English language newspaper published back in
the 1850s.
Täglicher Buffalo Demokrat und Weltbürger [The Daily Buffalo
Democrat and World Citizen]: This newspaper was formed by the merger on
April 18, 1853 of Der Weltbürger, Buffalo's oldest German newspaper
which started publication on December 2, 1837, and the Täglicher
Buffalo Demokrat, first published in 1851.
- Two Poems from December 1837 issues of Der Weltbürger
- June 29, 1839 - Reprints of articles from the June 2nd and 9th editions of Anzeiger des Westens concerning the dismissal of Martin Stephan and the steps taken to restore the Saxon Old Lutheran congregation, which emigrated from Germany in 1838.
- Articles from 1839 - 1841 - including reports of the explosion and fire on the steamship "Erie", which killed over 200 people, most of whom were German and Swiss immigrants; a letter submitted to the paper concerning the burning of the ban issued by the Buffalo Synod against the Silesian congregation.
- October 5, 1844 - details about the untimely death of Georg Zahm, founder of the Weltbürger, on September 28, 1844.
- June 8, 1854 - translation of the article titled "Our Foreign Citizens" from the June 7, 1854 edition of the Democracy, with an added comment concerning who's to blame for the distance between the German and American citizens of Buffalo
- June 1855
contains articles from June, 1855 concerning the St. John's Festival and
the resolution of conflict between Bishop Timon and the Trustees of St.
Louis R.C. Church.
- September 1855
contains articles from September, 1855 concerning the meeting held by
the naturalized citizens of Buffalo to defeat the Know-Nothing Party and
Temperance League candidates for office in the upcoming city and county
elections. The names of 441 naturalized citizens are listed.
Buffalo Volksfreund was a German language, Catholic newspaper
published in Buffalo from 1868 to 1982.
The Buffalo Freie Presse was born in 1860. In
1878 it purchased Die Buffalo Tribüne. The Buffalo Free
Press ran Mondays through Saturdays and the Tribune became its
Sunday newspaper.
As with other Sunday newspapers, Die Buffalo Tribüne was meant
to educate and entertain. Actual news items were kept to the 7th & 8th
columns of the front page and those were generally recaps of the week's
major stories. The remaining 7½ pages were dedicated to cultural themes,
serialized literary offerings, humorous tidbits and advertisements.
- Costumes
of the German Gods - a look at the costumes designed for Richard
Wagner's Ring of the Nibelungen, September 15, 1901.
- The
Berlin Cloth and Wool Weavers Moth Festival from September 29, 1901.
- The
First German Immigration, December 15, 1901.
- The
Mission of the German Woman in America , January 19, 1902.
- The
Duties of Fathers and Mothers, from January 26, 1902
- An
Old Saxon Prayer and Instructions on Creating an Indoor Garden,
February 2, 1902
Cyrenius Chapin - a
biography of a Buffalo physician and hero in the War of 1812, published in
the 1868/69 edition of The Buffalo Medical Journal
Twenty-second Annual Report of the German Free Congregation of Philadelphia - containing names and addresses of congregation members, financial statements, library holdings, brief history of the congregation, and school curriculum.
The 20th Century
Ads by and articles on the New York State Brewers' Association and the United States Brewers' Association during World War I
The Adventures of the Pilot from Tsingtau - An autobiography of Gunther Plüschow, the World War I German aviator who escaped the siege of the German colony in China and confinement in an English prisoner of war camp.
After the First World War: Articles from the Syracuse Union - The Syracuse Union was a German language newspaper published in Syracuse, New York.
A Comprehensive Development of Our Waterfront - A 1927 article from Town Tidings.
Deutsch-Amerika - A syndicated magazine published in Buffalo by the Buffalo Demokrat, focusing on World War I reports from Germany and the involvement of the German-Americans in the United States. The magazine starts at Volume 2, No. 1, January 1, 1916 as a continuation of the Kriegs-Album, which was published by the New York Staats-Zeitung. Once war in Germany was declared April 6, 1917 coverage shifted to German-American support for the United States.
Germany orders Bund be dropped - Buffalo Evening News article from March 1, 1938.
Germany's Sixteen Greatest World War One Heroes - A sixteen part series featured in the
Dunkirk Evening Observer, September 3 - 27, 1927.
How do I become an Officer in the Luftwaffe? - 4th edition of a German Air Force Recruiting booklet published in 1943.
Miscellaneous Articles about Buffalo and the German Community during World War I
The Modern Santa Claus - A Cartoon from the December 20, 1915 edition of the Buffalo Demokrat
My Life as a Pilot - the autobiography of World War One Flying Ace Ernst Udet.
Old Buffalo, 1832 - A 1909 Reproduction used to raise funds for a Nurses' Home at the German Hospital.
The Red Fighter Pilot - The Autobiography of Manfred von Richthofen.
War Letters of German Students - Letters from former students during 1914-1915 World War I compiled by their teacher.
War Letters of a Surgeon in Hindenburg's Army - The accounts of Senior Surgeon Dr. Paul Gerhard Plenz on the Eastern Front, 1915 - 1916.
United States Air Mail Service Pilot's Directions - Long before Jepson charts were available, pilots navigated using landmarks and compass directions. Here's a 1921 pubication by the Government Printing Office giving directions from New York to San Francisco.
Some Photography and Imaging
The Liedertafel of
1860, 1868, and 1883
Saengerbund of 1864.
Harbor during a Storm - from History of the Germans in Buffalo and
Erie County, N.Y., page 111.
The Park Bridge
across Delaware Avenue, circa 1898
Map of
Buffalo in 1849
Historic Tour of the Buffalo River and the Shipping Canal
The Erie Basin Marina & The Naval Park, Buffalo NY
A Lockport Cruise on the Erie Canal
Favorite German Poetry
Song - a fragment from the Old High German circa 850.
Walther von der Vogelweide - Under the Linden, a
poem which made quite a fuss in its day for raising a peasant topic to a
courtly form, and I
sat upon a Stone, our wandering minstrel's report on 13th Century
Mourning for a Devastated Germany, 1637 by Andreas Gryphius
Life and the
Ideal - Friedrich Schiller was the poet, who wrote the words which put
the joy in Beethoven's Ode to Joy. "Das Ideal und das Leben", as it is
called in German, represents the poet's struggle to unite the classical
knowledge of antiquity with the modern advances of late 18th Century
science and the Philosophy of the Age of Reason. It's a monster of a poem,
but if nothing else take a good look at the 8th stanza, which starts "If
the dead aspire to creation".
Goethe -
Goethe's exploration of the soul of man in relation to his world provided
a major change in thought and helped lead the way to the modern study of
psychology. Goethe's autobiography, Part I.
Friedrich Hölderlin's Bread and Wine No. 7
not only influenced the German Romantic Movement. It also influenced 20th
Century German Philosophy. This poem is the basis of Martin Heidegger's
essay What are Poets for?.
Heinrich Heine - In the introduction to his book 1985 Anthony
Burgess wrote "Revolutions are usually the work of disgruntled
intellectuals with the gift for gab." Exiled from Germany because of his
political beliefs and his Jewish heritage, Heine had good reason to be
disgruntled. Here are two fine examples: The Silesian Weavers, in
support of the weavers' work strikes of the 1840s and The Valkyrie, with an
explanation after the poem. As an example of Post Romantic Pessimism:
The Rite of
Your Absent
but Devoted Husband: A poem by a German singer participating at the
Pan-American Exposition, transcribed in the June 24, 1901 edition of the
Buffalo Volksfreund.
Hyacinths by
Theodore Storm.
Lullaby by Clemens
The Fall Day and Departure by
Rainer Maria Rilke.
Venus and
Mars - Poems which interpret the relationships of men and women.
This Life is
a Pumpkin by Daniel Casper von Lohenstein, 1680.
Lederhose Saga by Baron von Münchhausen, 1911.
Two Poems by Ilse Frapan
The Pastry Cook Illustrated - an 1854 edition of architectural cake designs by Antonin Carème of Paris. In French with limited translations.
Susan Kriegbaum-Hanks February 9, 2024