November 14, 1914 page 4



With regret the publishers of the Buffalo Freie Presse must announce to their friends and subscribers that for urgent reasons the publication is suspended with today's issue.

Buffalo Courier November 15, 1914 page 69

Freie Presse Goes Out of Business


Owners Announce Suspension of Publication, Job Plant Continuing


Ottomar Reinrecke and Frank H. Zesch, owners and publishers of Buffalo Freie Presse announced yesterday they had suspended publication of the newspaper with last night's issue. This announcement was published in the paper.

"It is with regret that the publishers of the Freie Presse must announce to their friends and subscribers that owing to pressing reasons the publication of the Freie Presse will be discontinued with today's issue," said the publishers last night.

The Freie Presse was the only Republican German newspaper in Buffalo. It was established nearly three quarters of a century ago by Frederick Reinecke, father of Ottomar Reinecke.

In 1886 Ottomar Reinecke succeeded his father in business. The following year Frank H. Zesch became associated in the business. They became partners and from then until last night continued the issue of the paper.

Some years ago the Freie Presse was published at No. 400 Main Street, but ten years ago the proprietors built at No. 352 Ellicott Street, where they moved their job printing establishment and the Freie Presse. Although publication of the newspaper is discontinued the job printing establishment will be continued.

With the discontinuation of the Freie Presse Buffalo has two German daily newspapers, the Buffalo Demokrat, which is nearly a century old and was the first newspaper to appear on the streets of Buffalo when it was made a city, and the Volksfreund.