The Old Lutheran Emigration at the Middle of the 19th Century, pages 246 - 250

Jehser: small farmer Joh. Friedrich Zimmermann (38) with wife Anna Elis., neé Zimmermann (39) and three children: Joh. Luise (11), Joh. Eleonore (8), Maria Elisabeth (1).

Ostritz stallkeeper Andreas Philipp (47) with wife Maria, neé Kurzmann and four children: Joh. Wilhelm (21), Anna Rosina (17), Joh. Luise (11), Joh. Christian (7).

Salkau: horticulturalist Joh. Georg Hartmann (46) with wife Joh. Luise, neé Preschel (34) and two children: Joh. Karoline (10), Joh. Gottlob (6).

Lochow: stallkeeper Samuel Nitschke (48) with wife Anna Elisabeth, neé Grieger (42) and six children: Joh. Gottlieb (18), Gottfried (14), Joh. Eleonore (12), Johann (6), Joh. Traugott (2), Joh. Luise (2 weeks).

Rentschen: resident, former farmer Joh. Friedrich Paech (36) with wife Anna Dorothea, neé Kramm (33) and five children: Joh. Friedrich Wilhelm (11), Joh. August (9), Joh. Dorothea (5), Joh. Gottlieb (2), Joh. Friedrich (8 weeks); (Paech's sister, widow Dorothea Elis. Schulz (42) and her two children, Joh. Eleonore (12) and Joh. Gotthilf (8) were denied permission to leave by the Chancery Commission.)

Rissen: laborer Gottfried Lubasch (49) with wife Anna Dorothea, neé Greiser (41), one daughter from the first marriage, Joh. Eleonore (16) and five children from the second marriage: Anna Dorothea Luise (13), Karoline (11), Anna Dorothea (5), Maria Elis. (2 ½), Anna Elisabeth (18 weeks);
(one daughter, Joh. Luise (18) declared that she was not willing to emigrate.)

Grüditz: farmer Joh. Georg Schulz (56); (the wife, neé Paech and son Joh. Georg (11) remained behind; Schulz sold the farm to his wife.)

Schwiebus: shoemaker Gottfried Behrend (35) with wife Beate, neé Lichtensteiner (35) and daughter Auguste Emile (11);

shoemaker Karl Donner (39) with wife Karoline, neé Schüttrich (38), one son nine years of age and one daughter, 2.

Züllichau: journeyman shoemaker August Thomas (24).

From the Guben district and the city of Guben the journeyman clothmaker Friedrich Traugott Warmbrunn (35) emigrated. He testified that he wanted to emigrate from the Züllichau area with his brothers in faith. With him went his wife Luise Auguste, neé Sagitz (31), three children from his marriage: Traugott Herman (6 ½), Traugott Christian Emanuel (2 ¾), Paul Daniel Johannes (4 months), an illegitimate son from his first wife, Traugott Albrecht August (9 ¼), an illegitimate daughter from his second wife, Juliana Maria (4).

II. From the province of Silesia, Jauer District and

City of Jauer: the painter's wife Friederike Hermann, neé Kästner with two children: Maria Klara Ernestine (9), Karl Julius (6).

From the Freistadt district,

Seiffersdorff: tailor Joh. Friedrich Schwarz (41) with Mrs. Eva Rosina Liebig (37) and children Hanna Dorothea (9), Joh. Gottlieb (7), Joh. Christiane (4), Dorothea Elis. (2);

Joh. Gottlieb Heinrich (38) with wife Anna Rosina, neé Pfeiffer (38) and children Joh. Julianne (9), Friedrich Wilhelm (5), Gustav Adolf (4).

Niebusch: the lodger and tailor Gottlieb Tschaksch (38), unmarried, his sister, the unmarried Anna Rosina (48) and her son Christian (21).

From Sagan district,

Reichenau: gardener's son Samuel Priedemann (31);

Widow Anna Rosina Spielberger, neé Gierach (also Gierath) (51);

farmer Christian Gierach (Gierath) (57) and wife Rosina, neé Rieger (53) and seven children: Georg Friedrich (23), Anna Elisabeth (21), Anna Rosina (19), Christian (16), Maria Elisabeth (14), Joh. Dorothea (10), Samuel (2);

laborer Samuel Schulz (43) with wife Anna Rosina, neé Hoffmann (41) and two children: Joh. Eleonore (15), Anna Elisabeth (10).

Cosel: laborer Samuel Pfennig (38) with wife Maria Elis., neé Rieger (37) and three children: Christiane (16), Anna Dorothea (9), Anna Rosina (5);

farmer's son and farmhand Christian Rieger (38), his sister, the unmarried Anna Elisabeth Rieger (32), brother (?) Joh. Friedrich Rieger (28).

III. The ship "Katharina" sailed in 1838 with a full passenger manifest of emigrants from the province of Posen. In giving the Posen name roster we need to clarify that this list is questionable

because the Posen emigration acts concerning the reporting of emigration permits were not upheld. We include this list despite its inaccuracies because in most instances the inaccuracies are not all that great.

Our outline comes from two lists of persons wishing to emigrate, compiled in 1836 by the commissions of governmental advisor Süvern and the General Superintendent von Freymark. Both lists are in agreement. The lists indicate a total of 267 people. Of that total 41 people stayed behind, either because they were refused hearings or their petitions for emigration permits were denied. Thus in 1836 in Posen 226 people remained, who were eligible to emigrate. We know from two sources, the letter of a passenger and a later Australian report, that the "Katharina" took 130 people from Posen to Australia. This leaves 96 people unaccounted for. Next, we can take into account and reduce that number through a passenger manifest of the "Prinz Georg" saved by Lodewydkx listing a Posener name Kaleske with eight family members. Some other Posen natives left in 1838 on another ship going to Australia, the "Zebra," however no list has survived. Other Poseners postponed their trip until the second great migration to Australia in 1841. Many deaths were recorded during the trip. The trip of 1841 snatched away 55 persons. Taking all this into account, it appears that of the 96 people not many would have remained behind in the homeland. Regrettably we have little in the way of roster for this year. Of the 226 names listed here there might be some, who did not emigrate. However we believed it was better to list them as uncertain entries rather than dispense with the entire Posen list. Perhaps later discovered Posen documents might bring clarification. A few Poseners, whom we could verify from reports as having emigrated to Australia, we will mark with an asterisk in the following list.

Possible emigrants going from Posen to Australia in 1838:

From the area of:

Meseritz: widower and small farm tenant Joh. Gotthilf Briese (68);

daily wage earner Joh. Daniel Zimmermann (33) with wife and two children;

shoemaker Semmerau (36) with wife and two children;

shoemaker Borrmann (45) with wife and five children;

shoemaker Joachim Sievers (38) with wife and two children;

clothmaker Johann Thomas (47) with wife and four children;

his father, the clothmaker Samuel Thomas (76) and two children;

hatmaker Johann Gotthilf Handschke (59) with wife and daughter;

the shoemaker Joh. Gottlieb Felsch (52) with wife;

locksmith Joh. Ferdinand Günther (28) with wife and two children;

unmarried seamstress Dorothea Rettig (45);

unmarried seamstress Friederike Hoffmann (37) and her sister, Rosalie (29), also a seamstress;

tailor's widow Anna Rosina Genge with five children;

widow Therese Schrödel (54), innkeeper with Briese

daily wage earner and widow Anna Münchenberg (45) with three sons, aged 20, 14 and 7 years and four daughters;

Locksmith apprentice for Günther, Gottlieb Ferdinand Welke.

From the area of

Chlastawe near Bentschen: cabinetmaker Gottlieb Linke (34);

* old homesteader Christian Rothe (28) with wife and three children;

* blacksmith and old homesteader Christian Aurich (32)with wife and two children;

homestead farmer Samuel Auricht (32) with wife and three children, brother of Christian;

Rosina Aurich (21), sister of Christian, Rothe's maid;

Anna Elisabeth Auricht (19), another sister of Christian;

shoemaker Wilhelm Wilksch (32) with wife and one son of two years of age, brother-in-law of Christian Auricht;

maid Rosina Adam (28);

gardener Christian Hahn (30);

congregational land shareholder/half-time farmer Georg Mattner (43) with wife and six children;

* congregational land shareholder/half-time farmer Christian Kappler (35) with wife and four children of 12 years of and and under;

journeyman miller Christian Reisch (20);

master ropemaker Gottfried Ratsch (34) with wife and one child;

journeyman mason Johann Grätz (44) with wife and four children from 13 years of age and under.

Tirschtiegel and surrounding area: reservationist Johann Georg Schulz (65);

clothmaker Karl Braunak (57) with wife and five children, administrator of the Lutheran congregation;

clothmaker and administrator Wilhelm Hampel (41) with wife and four children 9 years of age and up;

* merchant Kaleske (42) with wife and six children from 20 years of age and under, messenger for the Lutherans;

Christian Hamdorf, wheelwright;

Gotthilf Hamdorf (32) with wife and one child;

clothmaker Friedrich Braunak (47), brother of Karl, with wife and five children, the eldest of whom was 16 years of age;

journeyman mason Heinel (41) with wife;

tailor Gotthilf Schiller (28), unmarried, from Schierziger Hauland;

shoemaker Bretke from Brätz (42) with wife and two children, the eldest of whom was 12 years of age;

servant Gotthilf Weber (26), unmarried, from Eschenwalde.

Prittisch, Birnbaum district: gardener Georg Hahn (47);

agriculturalist Gottfried Karg (43) with wife and one son of 8 years;

master cabinetmaker Johann Wahlschütz (24), widower with one child of 1 ½ years of age (it was heard of him that he wanted to go to Poland);

daily wage earner Karl August Mullak (50) with wife and four children (the eldest son, 20 years of age, was not a separatist);

agriculturalist Gottlob Weber (26) with wife;

agriculturalist Gottlob Kintzel (47) with wife and five children, the eldest 17 years of age;

colonist Friedrich Heinze (43) with wife and five children, the eldest 14 years of age;

shoemaker Wilhelm Hoffmann (44) with wife and four children, the eldest 17 years of age;

his mother Beate Hoffman, widow (66);

agriculturalist Johan Ulm (45) with wife and four children, eldest 9 years of age (from his wife and stepdaughter it is reported that they were not separatists);

Häuland innkeeper Johann Wornest (67) with wife and seven children, of whom there were 2 sons, age 22 and 12 - the eldest son was not a separatist;

caretaker Gottfried Wornest (63) with wife and one daughter, age 23 years;

agriculturalist Christian Heinze (36) with wife and two children, the elder 11 years of age;

homeowner and tailor Gottlieb Sauer (35) with wife and one child, 3 years of age;

agriculturalist Gottfried Freschner (36) with wife and two children, the elder 4 years of age;

tailor Gottlieb Selche (55) with wife and four children, the eldest of whom was 22 years of age;

tailor Martin Paschke (40) with wife and two children, the elder of whom was 6 years of age.

Because the list of emigration requests granted by the cabinet was published in March and April of 1837 there are a few other people, who had chosen to emigrate and came from the Bomst district. The cross section can be firmly established as having emigrated (see the paragraph on those receiving permission).

There were from Chwalin: tailor Albrecht Christian Kavel * (71), father of the pastor,

his wife * and three children: Joh. Ferdinand Wilhelm * (34), Friedrich Daniel Samuel and Maria Charlotte Sabine *, who in Australia married the widower and gamekeeper Fiedler.

Karge: Julius Fiedler *, son of master combsetter Samuel Fiedler.

Borul: Anna Elisabeth Schmidt (36) with daughter Joh. Anna (2);

lodger Dorothea Fitzner (43) with son Gottlieb (9) and two daughters aged 17 and 8 years;

Johann Geog Jäschke * from Scharker Hauland.

Total number of emigrants:
to Americafrom Silesia... 25
to Australiafrom the Mark...386
from Posen...239
from Silesia... 40

Total Persons:690


The entire group of Lutheran emigrants for the year 1839 went to America.

I. Emigrating from Pomerania, Wollin District in or near

Schwantus: sheepfarmer Heckendorf (48) with wife, neé Ehlke (41) and eleven children: Christian Friedrich Wilhelm (21), Karl Friedrich August (20), David Heinrich Wilhelm (14), Johann Gottlieb (9), Wilhelm Friedrich (3), Franz Ferdinand (1), Ernestine Charlotte Wilhelmine (17), Friderike Luise Maria (16), Fridericke Luise Henriette (12), Sophie Maria Elisabeth (7), Johanna Ernestine (5);

daily wage earner Friedrich Wilhelm Finck (29) with wife Friderike Luise Henriette, neé Schmidt (26) and son Karl Friedrich Wilhelm (1);

lodger Hinz (35) with wife and four children: Karoline Sophie Friderike (9), Ernestine Albertine Wilhelmine (7), Wilhelmine Friderike (4), Albertine Auguste Maria (2);

stallkeeper Karl Philipp Ludwig Milbrath (28) with wife Karoline Friderike Wilhelmine, neé Hoeckendorf (23) and daughter Hanna Wilhelmine Froderike (2);

stallkeeper Schmidt (51) with wife, neé Götzke (54), son Friedrich Wilhelm (23) and daughters Friderike (25), Wilhelmine Sophie Friderike (17).

Wartlow: daily wage earner Ernst Karl Friedrich Finck (32) with wife Dorothea Elisabeth, neé Hoeft (35) and two children: Hanna Karoline (3), Friderike Wilhelmine Karoline (2);

shepherd August Friedrich Samuel Trappe (47) with wife Dorothea Sophia, neé Krause and stepdaughter Maria Krause (22) and adopted son Martin Gottfried Krüger (19).

Warnow: stallkeeper Erdmann Friedrich Ackermann (41) with wife and three children: August Friedrich Wilhelm (13), Johann Wilhelm (7) and a daughter;

unmarried worker Wilhelmine Krause (25).

Fernownsfelde: landowner Johann Krüger (37) with wife (36) and four children: Dorothea Frid. Albertine (14), Charlotte Maria Karoline (11), Johann Wilhelm (9), a daughter of ½ year;

landowner Peter Wilde (66) with wife and three children: Joachim Wilhelm (26), Johann Gottlieb (24), Michael Friedrich (20).

Kolzow: tailor Franz Wilhelm Lemke (48) with wife Christine Charlotte, neé Zühlcke (43) and son August Friedrich Wilhelm (19);

farmer Martin Friedrich Schössow (47) with wife and three children: Michael Friedrich Wilhelm (18), Johann Karl Friedrich (12), Wilhelmine (16).

Coesenthin: landowner Karl Friedrich Parlow.

Vietziger Ablage; shoemaker Joahnn Christian Bachmann (41) with wife and three children: Johanna Albertine Sophie (13), August Friedrich (3), Ferdinand Christian (3).

From Greifenberg District in or near

Schwessow: cottager Johann Knuth and wife and five children;

old shareholder Gottfried Knuth and Ernst Ludwig Gottfried Knuth;

workman Johann Gottlich Pagenkopf with wife and two children;

resident Johann Roggenbuck with wife and five children;

wheelwright Friedrich Hartwig with wife and six children;

wheelwright August Riehe with wife and one child;

unmarried sisters Wilhelmine and Johanna Karoline Maria Schenzel;

servant Karl Gottlieb Fiebranz;

former schoolteacher Zion.

Treptow: shoemaker Friedrich Lüdcke and wife;

merchant Joachim Grünhagen with wife and two children;

cooper Joachim Gottlieb Fiebranz with wife and nine children.

Triglaff: foreman Johann Natzke with wife and three children;

daily wage earner Johann Gotthilf Ott with wife and five children;

sheephand Pritzlaff (left without exit permit).

Darsow: cottager Johann Wilhelm Gotthilf Schmidt (54) with wife Karoline Maria Elisabeth, neé Schleddermann (49) and two children: Karl Albert Theodor (12) and Hermann Wilhelm Eduard (10);

lodger Friedrich Wilhelm Radtke (34) with wife Charlotte Sophie Brüsske [Brüßke] and four children: Johann Friedrich Wilhelm (6), Charlotte Ernestine Friederike (5), Ernst Daniel Wilhelm (4), Wilhelmine Sophie (1).

Dresow: farmer Ernst Friedrich Hilgendorf (43) with wife Benigna Christiane, neé Plack (42) and six children: Karl Ludwig Ferdinand, the eldest son serves in the military but will be discharged, Christian Friedrich (19), Wilhelm Ludwig (17), Franz Gottlieb Friedrich (14), Ernst Heinrich Friedrich (11), August Wilhelm Friedrich (3).

Pribbernow: cottager Friedrich Wilhelm Hensel with wife and five children.

Horst: stallkeeper Friedrich Lorenz Prahl with wife and one child.

Gruchow: daily wage earner Johann Joachim Drews with wife and six children.

Dorphagen: coachman Johann Gottlieb Wallschläger.

From the Regenwalde district near

Plathe: shoemaker August Radue (38) with wife Ernestine Klug (34) and three children: Ernestine (7), August (5), Bertha (2);

journeyman shoemaker Gottlieb Klug (22), brother of the above Klug;

master cabinetmaker Friedrich Neumann (36) with wife Friderike, neé Groth (37) and four children: Bertha (9), Johann (7), Karl (3), Gustav (1);

widow Anna Maria Wolf, neé Ehlke (56), her son, servant Karl Friedr. Wilh. (18) and her daughters Sophie Luise Friderike (22), Sophie Maria Karoline (20), Hanna Maria Elisabeth (13);

daily wage earner Friedrich Philipp Christian Wolf (27) with wife Luise Dorothea, neé Übel (27).

Muddelmow: farmer Karl Friedrich Klug (40), his father, old homesteader Gottlieb Klug (63), mother Sophie, neé Schuhmacher (60), blind brother Franz (15);

farmer Wilhelm Christoph Klug (58) with wife Ester Maria, neé Schuhmacher (57) and three sons: Heinrich Friedrich Wilhelm (21), Heinrich Gottlieb August (18), August Karl (16);

servant Wilhelm Lynse, called Hell (22) (without exit permit).

Wishu: shepherd Joahnn Friedrich Ferdinand Klug (37) with wife Wilhelmine, neé Manthey (28) and one child (2);

shepherd Johann Christoph Petermann (44) with wife Karoline Dorothea Koeller (40) and six children aged 16, 14, 12, 10, 4 and ¾ years.

Zimmershausen: widow Charlotte Friderike Klug, neé Klug (40), her stepson sheephand Karl Gottlieb Klug (28), her son Johann Friedrich Gotthilf (16).

Rühenhagen: tailor Kaspar Friedrich Strey (42) with wife Karoline, neé Lüdke (25) and one child of one year;

worker Johann Schumacher (42) with wife Henriette, widowed name Lüdke, neé Seefeld (52) and daughter from her first marriage, Friderike Lüdke (18).

Zowen: blacksmith Christian Friedrich Knuth (33) with wife Charlotte, neé Hamann (28) and three children, ages 3 years, 2 years and 11 weeks.

From Griefenhagen district in or near

Kranzfelde: teacher Johann Briss [Briß] (32), convert from Judaism.

From Nangard district in or near

Hakenwalde: landowner Christian Friedrich Bartelt with wife and two sons;

worker Johann Karl Friedrich Höpner with wife and four children.

From Kammin district in or near

Kammin: journeyman ships carpenter Martin Friedrich Bruss [Bruß] (40) with wife Sophie, neé Stiemke (37) and three children: August (9), Martin (6), Johann (4);

Continue to pages 251 - 255

Susan Kriegbaum-Hanks